Videotranscriptie Are you ready?Hi Jasmine!It's nice to see you.It's nice to see you too girl.Come on inside. Toon meer
Nicky and Her gf tiffany invited me over to.. "study"
They... lied. *giggles*
It was quite awkward at first.
my face turned red!
Nicky was actually quite sweet!
"sinny, we can totally work on our homework later... but.."
"tiffany and I have been talking about yew, and cindy..."
"yew are both of our hall-passes! sinny, do yew know what a hall-pass is?"
i felt so insecure, but admitted.. "no."
Nicky's eyes lit up with wonder! with... desire! "sinny, a hall-pass is a girl we want to fuck. sinny! yew are BOTH of our hall-passes!"
my face turned bright red!
i bit my lip.
i summoned up all of my courage, and whispered...
"so.... both of Yew want to fuck me?"
At the same time, they both yelped! "YESSSSS!"